Checkmate Chess Club Code of Conduct

Please let your student know how they should behave during after-school chess.

Our goal is to keep all students safe, confident, and respected so they can learn.

Please understand there are no refunds after the first day of class. Thank you.

  1. Please notify if your student will be absent. Include the student name and the school in your email.
  2. Students will behave appropriately for a classroom environment.
    1. Students will show up to class on time.
    2. Students will sit calmly during the lesson and chess matches.
    3. Students will not interrupt the lesson and will maintain an appropriate classroom volume. If they have a question, they will raise their hand.
    4. Students will not run in the classroom, wrestle, or throw things.
    5. Students will not eat or create messes in the classroom. We want to respect the space for the classroom's teacher and students.
    6. If toys or other items are a distraction, the teacher will take them and return them at the end of the class.
    7. Students will reset the chess board at the end of class to confirm no pieces are missing. They will help clean up for an orderly dismissal.
  3. Students will respect the teacher and other students.
    1. Students will follow the teacher's instructions.
    2. Students will not bully, harass, threaten, or harm other students.
    3. Whether they win or lose the game, students will treat their opponent with respect. No gloating or insulting another student.
    4. If students are disrupting the class and will not follow the teachers' requests to change their behavior, the program director will contact their parent / guardian after class to review the incident.
  4. Students will be removed from the class for repeated or serious misbehavior. There are no refunds after the first day of class.
    1. If parents have been contacted twice about inappropriate behavior and the student continues to disrupt the class or other students, they will not be allowed to continue attendance.
    2. If any student threatens anyone, endangers anyone, or damages property, they will be removed from class immediately and will be taken to the front office. Parents will be notified and they will not be allowed to continue attendance.